but essentially from the moment i started i badly missed the vi-bindings i've grown used to — at least when writing text. after a bit of poking i found that macvim also support full-screen mode! however, even after mimicking the color scheme it was still a bit cumbersome to get going: fire up macvim, activate the color scheme, get rid of visually annoying scrollbars, increase the font size and finally hit ⇧⌘F...
so to cut the story short, here's my current workaround:
- step 1: put the following into ~/.vim/fullscreen.vim
" vim fullscreen mode set background=dark set guifont=Monaco:h17 set guioptions=egmLtT set lines=40 columns=80 " `fullscreen` needs to go after `lines` etc set fuoptions= set fullscreen highlight clear highlight Normal guifg=#00a000 guibg=Black highlight NonText guifg=#002000 highlight Search guifg=Black guibg=#606000 gui=bold highlight Visual guifg=#404040 gui=bold highlight Cursor guifg=Black guibg=Green gui=bold highlight Special guifg=#004000 highlight Comment guifg=#008000 highlight StatusLine guifg=blue guibg=white highlight Statement guifg=#004000 gui=NONE highlight constant guifg=#005000 gui=NONE highlight preproc guifg=#005000 gui=NONE highlight Type gui=NONE
- step 2: add this line to your ~/.bashrc
alias fvim="mvim -S ~/.vim/fullscreen.vim"
- step 3: fire it up...
$ fvim README.txt
- step 4: focus!